Pandora’s Box Exhibition: December 10-January 10
Reception for Pandora’s Box: December 10; 6-8pm
Juror talk with Landria Shack: December 10 at 7pm
Pandora’s Box Youth Outreach Art Project: December 10-January 10; with VIP reception on December 10, 5:30-6:30pm
The Torpedo Factory Art Center’s Target Gallery presents Pandora’s Box; an exhibition that had artists create a visual interpretation of the Greek Myth and express how it relates to modern times. The exhibition is a visual interpretation of Pandora’s act of releasing woe (and hope) upon humanity. On December 10, there will be a reception to meet the artists from 6-8pm and to hear the juror’s remarks about her selections at 7pm. The show closes on January 10, 2010. The juror for the exhibition is Landria Shack, former curator with Pyramid Atlantic Art Center in Silver Springs, MD. She chose 37 works out of approximately 150 submitted for her review.
In addition to these two exhibitions in the Target Gallery, the Torpedo Factory Art Center is also sponsoring an art project by local youth from the new Charles Houston Recreation Center. Under the guidance of local multimedia artist, and educator, Rebecca C. Adams they will create a large group artwork piece in conjunction with the gallery’s national exhibition Pandora’s Box. The piece will be displayed at the Torpedo Factory and celebrated with a reception. The Torpedo Factory Artists’ Association, the Art League School, The City of Alexandria, the Charles Houston Recreation Center, and the Black History Museum are collaborating together on this outreach project, which has the goal of educating and raising awareness of the Charles Houston Memorial Project. For more information regarding this project please visit our website at www.torpedofactory.org/Community_outreach.htm.
A special VIP reception is planned to honor the students and their work on December 10 from 5:30-6:30pm. The student’s work will remain on exhibit in the main hall of the Torpedo Factory right outside of the Target Gallery through January 10th.